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Rechter Center for Architecture invites you to participate in our ongoing online exhibition 'The (new) dictionary of THINGS'!

1. Prepare 2 images - one of a THING that has become useless [Throw Aways], and one of a THING that you cannot imagine living without [Keepers]. 

The images should be an interpretation - a drawing, illustration, artistic photography, collage, or text.

2. Submit your application form and you will shortly receive an email with further instructions for images submission.

3. Reply the E-mail by attaching your images 


All images must be submitted as individual files (.JPG), Square, up to 2 MB each. Name your files like this: Name_Work title_Category.jpg

The dictionary is updated daily! 

submit your work!


Thanks for submitting! You will recieve a mail shortly to which you can send your images!

*ReCA is a non-profit association based in Tel-Aviv that aims to initiate, produce and promote architectural thinking and practice. Submission of images provides ReCA copyright release for use only for the purpose above, including related social media and press. ReCA will not make public your e-mail. ReCA is not obligated to exhibit all or any of the images submitted.

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